Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Suspects are large, I mean at large...


Have you seen these tiny babies?

Names: Cameron and Carson

Last seen a couple of months ago...

Suspects: 2 Fat, bald munchkins.

"There were two tiny little boys in the crib and the next thing I know.....

these guys are lying there! I hope they didn't eat them!"

Use caution when approaching. Suspects are large and hungry!

O.k., I know that is really corny but can you believe the chubbers on these guys! I can't stand it. I just want to bite their little fat rolls! Eeeeeee! They are cooing and smiling so much and are just too sweet! I'm afraid that I am addicted. :)

Here are a few more pics to enjoy...

Oh and in case you are wondering which is which, Carson is wearing the stripes.


Fred and Renee said...

Oh my goodness. They look just like the other Kelly boys. What is it about the Kelly genes? Couldn't one look like Bry? :-) They are adorable!

Holly Aytes said...

That was very good and funny :) Those are some seriously sweet little boys. I can't believe how much they have grown. I remember when Gabby was showing me pics of her pregnant and then of them after they were born and now look at them. Too cute!!!

Gabby said...

OMG Hilarious!!!! They are so chunky!!!! EEEEEEE is right!!! The cheeks!! and we thought Coreys were big!!!!! :) So funny!!!

Elizabeth said...

That was the funniest thing ever. Ha ha!! They are so cute, I don't know how ya'll stand it. You can tell they are brothers with Austin and Brandon- definitely!

bre said...

that was pretty funny!! i actually laughed out loud!! i want those pics theyre mine!