Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wait! Did that just happen??

We're baaaaaack! A week of non-stop road tripping, theme parking, beach splashing fun is over! We arrived home a little after midnight from a 14 hour road trip. Bry and I unloaded the kids from the car, put them to bed and unpacked a weeks worth of clothes, souvenirs, garbage and sand and then I sank into a nice hot bath. After a few minutes of quiet relaxation I thought "Wait! Did that just happen? Is it over already?" Months of planning, days of packing, hours and hours of driving... where did the week go? Coming home is so bittersweet! I love my home and life here but it is so awesome to be with my family just having fun and spending time together. I don't know if my mind is ready to come back to reality just yet!
Anyway, after spending a week with my family and Bre's, there are a lot of stories to tell. I can't do that today because I am drowning in dirty laundry. So I thought I would break up the trip into different posts.
One of my favorite parts of riding the thrill rides at theme parks is looking at the photos they take of you while you are plunging down a huge hill at a million miles an hour. The expressions on the peoples faces crack me up. I've seen some funny ones. However, I don't think I have ever seen one that can beat this picture that was snapped on the Jurassic Park River Adventure.
Just in case you can't see it clearly enough in the first pic, I added a close-up. Look at Bailey's face! Her eyes are about to bug out of her head!!
We laughed so hard when we saw this that I couldn't resist spending the ridiculous amount of money for the picture! And by the way, she LOVED this ride! (Luke did too!)

1 comment:

Gabby said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! That is hilarious!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!