Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mermaids Swim....Right??

Bryan and I were sitting down for the first time today, watching America's Funniest Videos. We were laughing at all of the parents who's kids were making fools of them in one way or another. Then we hear Luke scream "Oh my gosh! Look what she did!" Then we hear the toilet lid slam shut and Presley goes running through the living room with a Mermaid Barbie. We just looked at each other like "Oh crap!" .We walked into the bathroom and of course the walls are soaked, as well as the floor and any other surface in the room. Apparently, after Mermaid Barbie swims she likes to shake dry like a dog. Bry called Presley into the room and she gives him the puppy dog eyes and says "Sowwy Daddy". This is one of those times that we just had to laugh. I mean, mermaids are suppose to swim right? What else would she do with Mermaid Barbie?
I don't know if you can see it very well in this picture, but the walls are covered in water. You gotta love Bry's expression. He wears this face a lot. Aaah toddlers.
Look at those eyes. She has got that face down pat. The girl is good. And she has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger!!

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