For instance, on the 2nd or 3rd day of our move, I went to the grocery store. I put it off as long as I could but we really needed some stuff. Anyway, I was gone maybe and hour and I walk in the house to find a screaming Luke in Bryan's lap. Apparently Luke didn't think we had enough going on in our lives at that moment so he decided it would be a good time to find out if he could fly. Off the back of the couch. Normally he's pretty tough and can shake things off but he just kept crying so we took him into the ER. Luckily it wasn't broken. Just sprained and swollen. He told the nurse "I'm Superman, but I can't fly". This probably isn't a great example because yeah, I know kids get hurt. And yeah, during a move things are all out of place so it's likely that this would be the time it would happen. But then 2 weeks later...
Bay's school has a "meet the teacher" day every year. It is an opportunity for the teacher to sit down with just the parents and give her testimony, explain the curriculum, etc. Well, of course it falls on a day when Bry is out of town and Mom has to work. Luckily I am now neighbors with Bubs and Jo and Jo is just crazy enough to enjoy having my kids over. So we made a plan that I would bring the kids to her house on the way to take Bay to school. I told her that I had to be there at 8:30. So, fast forward to the day of the meeting. I got up early and actually got out of the house relatively smoothly. We got to Jo's about 10 minutes early and Bay went to knock on the door. It had started to sprinkle so I wanted to wait until the last minute to run the babies up to the door. Bay kept knocking, but no Jo. After about 5 minutes of Bay and I knocking and figuring out that Jo was asleep I decided to go knock on her bedroom window. I ran around the back (in the rain, mud, etc.) and knocked on that window while Bay continued in the front. Long story short... Bay, trying to come find me, slipped on the concrete and split her knee open and , punctured her hand with a rock and bruised and scraped her hip really bad. By the time she got to me, there was blood going from her knee to her sock. I put her in the car, went home, cleaned her up (she bled all over her uniform and the car and some on Presley) and realized that the cut on her knee was about 1/4 inch across. The doc told me to take her to the ER. So basically, I had lived in Collierville for 2 weeks and had been to the ER for 2 of my kids already!!! Bay is fine now. Still a little banged up but she'll live. I ended up talking to Jo, who felt horrible. I assured her it was fine. She had gone upstairs to put a restless Ella back to bed and ended up falling asleep in her room. It happens. But as far as my morning went, what are the odds that the teachers meeting, Bry being out of town, RAIN, Jo oversleeping and Bay hurting herself that bad would happen all on the same day???
The whole reason I started thinking about all of this, actually happened this afternoon.
To be continued...
OMG! Ange!! Crazy!! thats all I can say!! :)
Wow. That's horrible! Have things calmed down? Have you been able to talk to Bailey's teacher?
P.S. Your pictures are here. I need to get them to you!
i did the tag game
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