Friday, July 16, 2010

Nicaragua Day 5

I'm not exactly proud to admit this, but if I don't then I can't tell you one of the most amazing things that happened to me on this trip. For a while, I have been taking a pill just about every day for anxiety attacks. I made sure to bring plenty with me on this trip because I knew being away from my little ones, being in a different country, just being out of my comfort zone period that I would probably need them. Anyway, as I mentioned before, I did a lot of praying before I left about my fears and worries and I continued to do so while we were there. On the last day as I was packing my things, I came across those pills. When I saw them, I realized that I had not taken a single one since we left for Nicaragua! I couldn't believe it! God gave me such a peace, that I didn't even realize that I wasn't taking them!
Anyway, the last day was pretty much filled with us packing our things, loading into the bus and flying home. It was really great to spend the last day travelling with these people who have come to feel like family to me. I actually found myself wishing I could stay longer. When we got off the plane I was so excited to see Bry and my babies, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad about saying goodbye to the people who had shared such an awesome experience with me. We ate together, traveled together, prayed together, shared our stories, served together, laughed together and experienced God's love in a way that I cannot explain in words. All I can say is that it changed me for life and I cannot wait to go back or to see where God sends me next...

My fam with Tim and Ariana. Tim is sort of a "missionary intern". He spends a ton of time living in Nicaragua doing whatever is needed of him. He was such a help to us while we were there and an awesome guy. Ariana was one of our translators. She is from Nicaragua but goes to school in the U.S. She was the sweetest girl! We sort of fell in love with her while we were there.

This was the largest group our church has sent on a single mission trip. There were youth, women, our worship team. Mom's and kids went together, husbands and wives, siblings, and small groups.

We were there to work but we also had plenty of silliness and fun. :)
Our bus driver, Victor. Such a sweet guy!!
Ready to head home...
Nicaragua from the sky...beautiful and green!

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Thats so awesome about the pills! :) God is so good! He can do anything!